bass pro shops and a cabela's, and you know from gun culture. you know your way around mitch mcconnell. what's the least we can expect from washington on guns? >> i'm also in a state that's a half a mile across the river from a country where their boys watch violent video games, where they have mental health issues, where they have all the stuff -- oh, and by the way, hunting's the number one sport in canada. there are more guns than hockey sticks. >> are ar-15s a problem? >> no, because they don't allow this. to be able to have a gun, a certain kind of gun in canada, you have to get -- you have to have your wife, your girlfriend, and your ex-wife all have to sign a piece of paper saying that you're not a violent person and you can have a gun, you know. i think that canada just does this in a very sane way. they let hunters be hunters, but they don't allow children to be able to take guns into schools.