is we're actually doing. i don't know if you saw the news the other day, the usda did move two offices out of washington, d.c. yes, you can applaud that one. that's what we've been talking about doing. guess what happened? more than nearly half the peopl about doing." guess what happened? more than half of the people quit. it's nearly impossible to fire a federal worker, mulvaney said, "i know that because a lot of them work for me and i tried." he explained that by uprooting people suddenly, you can get them to quit and "what a wonderful way to sort of streamline government and do what we haven't been able to do for a long time." ah, yes, draining the swamp by liquidating the agency that might file reports on how to drain a swamp for airable land. it's not enough to call climate change a chinese hoax and make mind-breakingly stupid jokes whenever it snows. the trump administration is actually making the u.s. government stupider collectively so farmers will have a harder time coping with climate