and, you know, if -- when we cut into that, like wild third, what we're often like getting back is the kind of most productive, most arable, best farming land on the planet. and if we want to start planting trees to pick up carbon, which you said, that kind of recent study said, if we planted an entire continental united states worth of trees, we could actually mitigate two-thirds worth of climate change, but we would be planting an entire continental united states, like worth of trees. and if you look, like, there's not a continental united states like worth of land to just go around on the planet. >> right. >> so exactly, we start hitting these trade-offs extremely rapidly. in fact, we already are. >> when you talk about the food supply, i mean, one of the things that connects what we were just talking about in this story is the usda does have climate scientists who work on researching how climate will affect crop yields. there's been some crazy research about the way that warmer temperatures strip the protein out of rice, which is, it's the main protein source for like a