the curve on. it's not new. as important as policy is, i think we have to follow the people that don't follow the minutia like all of us and the first tep is to costep is it co say this is not acceptable. and that's the things that will resonate first with voters before they get into the policy and sufficient that those of us on this panel are studying. >> how do you turn that into something tangible? >> think it's going to be really difficult, to be honest. i know it's not the answer that people want to hear. but right now i don't think there's going to be a massive gun control legislation. there's no momentum in august to get anything done. the further it gets away from a tragedy like. hard ter is harder it is to find momentum. there may be some things done on the margins but right now the senate majority republicans are unable to take up some of these more expansive, legislative potential fixes. >> so, phil, the gop and the nra