terrorist deaths. as far as what president obama said, i'd love him to speak out even more. i think he was moved primarily by the rhetoric that we hear coming from the oval office. i mean, here, president obama was absolutely a kind of almost infallible in terms of the way he conducted himself, his own rhetoric, his own positive rhetoric about american exceptionalism and all of that. he's looking at his successor who is actually, by his rhetoric, kind of promoting terrorism in that basically he is endorsing so many ideas that the white militias and these white terrorists have. and, in fact, before i, you know -- last thing i want to say, when i was editor of "time" in 2010, we did a cover story about the rise of white militias. and the fbi and dhs all said part of the reason they were growing during that time was because they were anti-obama, because they were white supremacists and there was a black president. so what we have now is barack