do the universal background terrorist fusion cell at the causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. check. right now. fbi, and so we're going to treat that's supported by 80% to 90% it that way going forward. of people in the country. there's path to violence that's thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain why do we need weapons of war marked with warning signs and and actually improves memory. where you're killing nine people in under a minute. indicato the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... we're saying thank god for the indicators. people don't just snap. law enforcement. they did a phenomenal job, and in jellyfish. aligning themselves with the in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown [ speaking foreign language ] they got there. nine people were killed in under ideology in el paso or what's to improve short-term memory. a minute. happened in dayton, purchasing and training with weapons, maybe we don't need those kind of weapons on the streets in the to act out violently. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. you need to pick up the phone united states. and so my people hunt. and call law enforcement. that is something you can do. they -- it's part of our >> sean i want to get your culture. we take our kids hunting. thoughts. but we are for some common sense reforms that have to happen. and i think this country is ready for that kind of leadership and we're not getting they are very similar in many ways. >> both local and federal they have very different in many ♪ i planned each charted course ♪ officials in el paso, texas it from the president of the united states right now, and now ways and lessons to be learned briefing the media on the latest you have 29 people who had a lot developments comes out in terms ♪ each careful step of plans this week. of where the investigation is from both. going. had a lot of hopes and dreams in what is your take away in terms ♪ along the byway getting a few perspectives on their lives, and have kids, and what happened yesterday and of some similars, some mayor let's go! ♪ much more today and what continues to differences, lessons that can be ♪ much more than this unfold. grandparents and people they most interestingly, confirmation love that they're never going to learned. >> from a similarity perspective see again, and the loved ones ♪ i did it my way really from the local police i think both of these appear to are never going to see them commander there in el paso again. it's preventable. be premeditated.