prices, flat-out. >> from there, the attacks on biden continued on a number of fronts including this exchange with senator cory booker of new jersey who alternated tonight between warning democrats not to attack to attack each other and also afacting joe biden. >> mr. vice president, you can't have it both ways. you invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and then dodge it when it's not. and the second thing, and this really irks me because i heard the vice president say, it if you got a ph.d. you can come right into this country. well, that's playing into what the republicans want, to pit some immigrants against other immigrants. some are from shithole countries and some are from worthy countries. we need to reform this whole immigration system and begin to be the country that says everyone has worth and dignity. and this should be a country that honors everyone. don't let the republicans divide this party against itself. >> and yes, we believe booker now goes into the books as the first one to swear during a