presidential election showing the average trump voter did come from a household with a higher income than the national average as a whole. that doesn't mean there weren't trump supporters who had challenges. they absolutely did. the president has not done a sufficient job to many of those to respond to those. it really means it was the cultural anxiety that led them to back this president more than anything else. they know that. he knows that. that is why he continues to respond to them with this issue because it speaks to that. >> anna, the president says he plans to visit baltimore when the time is right but in the last day the white house has received thousands of accolades from the african-american community for the comments the president has made about baltimore. he continues to say that billions of dollars have been stolen. is there any evidence to support this? >> not so far. the white house has not put forward any list of groups. i mean, really the only public statements that we have seen have been the outcry and the opposite actually of democrats