al franken on his resignation and his regrets. if it's monday, it's "meet the press daily." i'm steve kor nar knacki in for todd. robert mueller will give his first public testimony since being named special counsel. politically the biggest question this week isn't necessarily one that will be directed at the witness, it's one that house democrats have been wrestling with for movannths now. do they impeach the president? these hearings may be their last best shot at laying out a case for doing so. here's the problem, democrats are seemingly hoping for mueller to do something that he has said he wouldn't, go beyond his report. >> i think there is very substantial -- well, the report presents very substantial evidence that the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, and we have to present -- or let mueller present those facts to the american people and then see where we go from there because the administration must be held accountable, and no president can be above the law.

Related Keywords

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