other republican members of congress that have weighed in on this. so i think he may not ultimately abandon send them back, go back thing, but the fixture of his messaging is going to be the anti-american thing. >> it's really two sides of the same coin. "the washington post" aaron blake, thank you very much, sir. as the president shores up his base for 2020, new analysis shows he could lose by 5 million votes, and still win re-election. all thanks, of course, to the electoral college. let's rewind the 2016. we have three great lake states helped push then candidate trump to victory over hillary clinton. that's, of course, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. three states he won by less than a point. as the cook political reports, david wasserman points out all three of these ageing relatively white states have some of the nation's highest shares of groups without college degrees. the group trending away from democrats over the long term.