because she knew that we would worry about where she was and was she safe. >> so the warings began picking apart that friday, the last day anyone saw kate, looking for something they may have missed. but it had been such a normal day. she had no driver's license, remember, so she asked howard gatts to give her a lift to her therapist's office. >> gave me a hug, said good-bye, thank you very much. she was in a real good mood. >> an hour and a half later, howard saw her again. this time at the gym. >> she said, is it okay i skip rope over here, howard? i said, sure, kate, that's fine. >> mind you, there was an incident at the gym. howard's soon-to-be ex-wife came around. she and kate had words. but at 8:00 p.m., a drugstore camera showed kate relaxed, talking on her cell, buying wine and snacks while waiting on her prescription refill. ethan paid for dinner. chicken, salmon teriyaki.