prostitution circuit that shuttles women from city to city. >> what we see very often is the women involved in prostitution work in what's called the circuit. so they'll move from albuquerque to phoenix to las vegas to los angeles and maybe not return on that circuit for several years. >> reporter: it was in denver, another city on the circuit, that detective todd babcock hit paydirt. >> at one point syllania had been arrested up in the denver area for prostitution, going by a different name at the time. had been booked. they were able to get me a booking photograph of what syllania looked like around the time that she died, we believe. >> reporter: syllania edwards was released from that denver-area jail in july 2004, the same year almost all the other west mesa women had gone missing. the next time anyone heard anything about syllania, she was here in this makeshift grave site outside albuquerque, sharing it with ten other women she never knew in life but will be forever linked with in death. >> the biggest thing that makes syllania different is she's not a local girl. all of her other victims were local. they had ties to albuquerque. >> she was last seen in denver. >> last known police positive contact was in denver. >> suggesting possibly that the killer met her in denver, brought her here? >> i don't believe so.