competent white house chief of staff would have been in the oval office on monday morning saying a couple of things. number one, this doesn't make you look strong, it makes you lock weak. number two, it's stupid politically. your base is not going -- >> he's proved that. >> pat buchanan isn't coming out of right field to take away your nomination. you to be re-elected, you have to expand your base and you have to learn how to govern. >> not only was there not a cls to go in and tell the president that doesn't work, then the president went and did something this morning that seems weird. what are triggered the president to go after knees four freshmen congresswomen who were, by the way, in their own fight with nancy pelosi. . >> it is unhinged behavior, which may be impossible for mulvaney or anyone else to check. but the thing is it's not only unhinged, it's not only and echo of the darkest days of vietnam, remember your country, love it or leave it. it's not only racist but it also