i'm joined by justice coordinator pete williams. what's the deal, does the white house have a legal leg to stand on with the action? >> the supreme court doesn't say you couldn't do this. what the supreme court ruling stands for is narrow, have you to have a good reason, commerce question, for why you want to put this question on the census form under administrative freedom act, what you gave about voting act is a tall tale, doesn't wash, and that's it. in theory it leaves the door open for some kind of presidential action. the president isn't subject to the administrative procedures act. i would say two things about, this hallie. one is, this doesn't necessarily and doesn't at all violate the supreme court ruling. secondly, it doesn't mean they are going to get a free pass here. whatever the president orders the commerce department to do, as soon as the commerce dependent decides to do it, they will be subject to more litigation, lawsuits. there are a couple of problems for the government. the opponents will argue the