he wanted to get pats on the back or see if he could get people in other countries to love him. this is what he talks in america first. the context he looks at what is in the best interests of his country. and sometimes is that is going to anger other countries, like china. and he's not afraid to do that. >> does he listen to you? >> i've never met him in my life. >> you're a good pitchman. you're a ballyhoo boy for this guy. thank you so much, john brabender, zerlina maxwell, as always. listen to her on sirius radio. >> thank you. up next, attorney general william barr's justice department accusing congress of trying to create a public spectacle. that's what they say about having robert mueller testify. isn't that why we did a two-year investigation? he comes to congress to say what he discovered. that's a spectacle? i think that's truth-telling. and the democrats say barr is determined to keep the american people in the dark. we'll have more after the break. maria ramirez? hi.