president. then he obstructs and obstructs and denies merrick garland. there is a seething resentment. here's the thing. kentucky is viewed as a red monolith but it isn't. it had a very popular two-term democratic governor, steve bashir till 2015. >> republicans would tell you when it comes to federal races they do pretty well. >> in this federal race, mitch mcconnell is polling somewhere in the mid 30s. >> why is that. >> do people in kentucky, do they not like him. >> that he reflects everything that is wrong in washington, d.c., the swamp and the bureaucracy. he's been around for a long time. amy mcgrath has the right profile, combat marine combat pilot. ran for congress, lost by three points in central kentucky. the right profile to make this a race. >> the money is being noticed and about her and about the nationalizing of the race. take a look at this brand-new character in politics, new democratic potential star.