electoral pressure on the left and called the career that was moderate, moderate democratic, maybe a little bit to the left to center. he was not a leading edge progressive on any issues when he was in the senate. sometimes people around him will say he was. it wasn't until he started positioning himself to run as president as vice president you saw him take charge on the leading edge, particularly on gay rights. we remember him coming out before president obama on gay marriage. and certainly he pushed things to the left in the senate. but he wasn't sort of a ted kennedy liberal lion at the senate in any sense, if you look at the other senators around him. >> i want to ask you about we talk about the demographics here. why isn't that message getting through? why is there so much talk about the phantom working class white voter who will be the future of the democratic party when so much data doesn't vet it out? >> one, because society has been wrapped around that person and

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