much of it out of the family's own pockets. so every day was precious, said her brother michael. and every day that passed a missed opportunity to find her. you know, she was always looking for me. and so i-- this was my time to do everything i can to look out for her, to make sure that the hell that she was going through she wouldn't have to go through a day longer. so you must have this sense that any day now we'll find her and we'll bring her back and everything will be ok again. every day we were hoping that today was the day. you know, every day. keith morrison: it was obvious, as we talked to michael, the intensity of his devotion for michelle. the reason for that? he told us a story about their mother. our mom was pretty much our superhero. she worked long hours as a nurse practitioner and she was an incredible mother to us. she was so loving. she would always tell us stories and--