forward. right now of course we focus on disarmame disarmament. and as many people have pointed out the north koreans have gone backwards on that. in the last year where there has been this relationship building attempt the north koreans have been mpincreasing the pruvoduct of fissile material and they've been upgrading their facilities for ballistic missiles. so this has not been moving in the right direction. >> victor cha, what do we know about the human rights problems that have been so emblematic of kim jong un and what he has done, whether it was inspectors from the iaea who on their way moving from one site to another would see x, y, or z to actual reports andor those who escaped? richard engel interviewed one as hege was mentioning earlier tha escaped from north korea. well, i mean, let's be clear. this is the worst human rights-abusingn regime in the world today. and the president is legitimizing these human rights abuses every time he meets with