the fact that they want to be there for the bells and whistles they can be do that. they'll provide whatever products they can make money on it. it can't be whether you can afford it. that's how you get there in a not for profit way. >> but the transition, if you get through the transition and get to bernie sanders' position, how do you assure americans that they can still go to the doctor that they like? >> correct. the two things they need to change and you heard this on other debate stages you need to make sure that the reimbursement rate reflects cost. a lot of doctors won't take medicare or even some insurance because they don't think their compensation is fair. so if you're going to build on medicare, you better make sure that it reflects cost and that's why there's transparency requirements this year. we passed it into law last year. if you make sure it reflects costs everyone will want to take it and the vast majority of americans will be on it in five years. >> isn't that billions and billions of more dollars?