resistant to speaking at all, as he put it, beyond the four corners of the report that he and his staff put out in writing. can you shed any light on that for us and tell us what these negotiations have been like? i've seen you express dissatisfaction or impatience or frustration that it's taken this long to arrange his testimony. >> well, you know, i will let the special counsel speak for himself and their office speak for themselves, but i think that what they have represented to us is that they view themselves as prosecutors, and prosecutors don't normally talk outside of the trial or outside of the indictment, but let's face it, this is not a traditional prosecutorial case. and what's more, bill barr has felt more than free as the attorney general to speak well beyond the mueller report, and if he is able to speak beyond the four corners of the mueller report, then so too should bob mueller feel free so to do so. so we have never concurred with that judgement, but i think