counselor, thank you for coming back on with us. i have a dual question for you. how critical, really, is mueller's testimony under the be careful what you wish for caveat? and number two, what could the democrats be doing right now that you from the outside look at them and wish they were doing? >> so i think mueller's testimony is important. it might not have been after he wrote his report, the problem was this intervening factor of attorney general barr going out and spinning the report before anyone had a chance to look at it. you know, supreme court litigation we really think about framing the debate as kind of giving you the chief advantage, the first person to speak. normally that first speaker doesn't really distort the facts and cover stuff up. that's what happened with barr. so i think what's going on now and why you see, brian, these increasing calls for impeachment among democrats is because, frankly, they've now read the