drawing our attention to the you don't have to be a parent or tragedy unfurling on u.s. soil an american, just citizen of at the direction of the trump this world to be horrified by administration. those conditions. it's going to be a difficult we'll start with reporting in case for this white house to make that is an effective tactic "the new york times," quote, a chaotic scene of sickness and in their fight. >> jeremy bash, i have a filth is unfolding in an 7-year-old. overcrowded border station in but you don't have to be a clint, texas, where hundreds of young people who have recently 7-year-old to experience waves the nausea to hear that. crossed the border are being where are the democrats? held. that's according to lawyers who visited the facility this week. why aren't there hearings some of the children have been there for nearly a month, yesterday about the conditions children as young as 7 and 8. at the border? >> i don't know, nicolle. many wearing clothes caked with that's a great question. one of the things the committee snot and tears are caring with chairs should be demanding from infants they just met, the dhs today is a list of every lawyer said. toddlers without diapers are location where there are relieving themselves in their children under the age of 18 who pants. teenaged mothers are wearing are being held without other clothes stained with breast family members or guardian or milk. parent. it's one of those things that that list should be easy to even for this white house is so produce. they should immediately produce horrific, there won't be any it to congress and congress political debate over this one, should send congressional staff, right? even a republican said so. professional staff investigators to those sites. >> i have been in that state. and i believe as justice i have been down there throughout my 15 years of brandeis said or wrote, sunlight congress and before that as a federal prosecutor. is the best disinfectant.