discount rate in response to the lower interest rates in the market. >> in the interest of managing expectations the president in the second part of his tweet said think what it could have been if the fed got it right. thousands hiker on the dow. i don't flow how to predict the stock market so i don't know if the president is right or wrong about that. gdp rodriguez in the fours or five. now they stick like a stubborn child to make up for what other countries are doing against us. blew it. let's talk about the gdp in the fours and fives. i have of on joked i will probably grow and afro before we get those kinds of numbers. am i wrong? americans are sort of middle age dummies like me. you can't have that kind of growth. >> ali, you would look great. i would love to see that. >> i will grow one. >> when president reagan -- when the tax cuts took effect january 1, 1983 -- i mean '83, yes, through june 30th, 1984, real gdp grew in that period, in that

Related Keywords

Fed ,Response ,President ,Part ,Interest Rates ,Discount Rate ,Interest ,Market ,Expectations ,Tweet ,Thousands Hiker ,Dow ,Himself Haven T ,Us ,Gdp ,Child ,Fours ,Countries ,Stock Market ,Five ,Talk ,Fives ,Let ,Gdp Rodriguez ,Mali ,Kind ,Growth ,Kinds ,Numbers ,Dummies ,Tax Cuts ,Reagan ,Yes ,1984 ,83 ,January 1 1983 ,1983 ,30 ,One ,1 ,June 30th 1984 ,

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