process that's going to enable us to take back our democracy. >> you mentioned the bench. i wonder how you feel leading the party at this moment. a lot of folks look at this and they're thinking on the democratic side who can beat trump. folks look at the ending. what about the beginning, the process? do you take any special pride in how diverse the field is with more women running than we've seen in any other presidential cycle in history? is that stuff important? or do you just look at what the conversation is going to be? >> oh, i'm absolutely proud of the fact that not only do we have the most women in the race, but the most racially diverse field of candidates in the history of our country. that's who we are as a democratic party. what people will see is they will see america and they will see the democratic party. and that is absolutely a point of pride and one of the things we did at the outset, because we were listening to people, ari,