>> didn't the president repeal it? if he doesn't act, he repealed it. >> yes. >> it's called -- presidents do this, it's called enforcement discretion. the enforcement mechanisms are spread thin. with regard to the election interference, when speaker pelosi says she doesn't know right from wrong, she's right to thut extent. he's a complete amateur in american public life and the rules and norms are mysterious to him. besides, he campaigned on the promise, we knew this promise was going to be kept, that he would continue to do what he did in the campaign which was violate all existing norms. no one should be surprised. be appalled if you wish but don't be surprised. >> the problem in washington is that donald trump takes what are, i think norms and runs with them. the hatch act is violated every single day in multiple ways. i spent ten years on the hill. i can't count the number of times i saw senators, their staff violating the hatch act.