there. >> they absolutely know. so i think what president trump doesn't realize is yeah, he can put up a few more obstacles and make life more brutal for these people but this is in the context of them taking enormous risks already knowing they may die in the desert, women may be tracked into brothels. >> this is one of the motivation answers for what we're seeing when we see these photographs of a parent and child trying to get across this border and there are plenty of people, trump supporters who think they're watching irresponsible parenting, how could this parent put this child in this kind of danger. this tells the story of the danger they left. >> look, there are so many loving parents who precisely because they love their children, they're trying desperately to get hem to the u.s. in the western highlands, it's client change. in honduras, it's gangs. if a gang comes after your 12-year-old daughter and the gang leader says he wants her to be his girlfriend, if you love your child, you will get her out