>> you know, among democratic candidates and folks in the democratic party and broad to the center left there are sort of two different ways of thinking about donald trump. one is kind of an anomaly, this is not normal, this is some vast departure from the sort of main through line of what the american political system had been. the other is a kind of culmination, right, the symptom not the cause. and people i think come down in different parts on this. joe biden says he sort of sees him as an anomaly. elizabeth warren kind of a symptom. where do you come down on that? how do you understand this president in this moment? >> i'll tell you just from listening to people across texas and now across the country, more than 110 town hall meetings have answered more than 650 questions. people understand that their government no longer represents or reflects them. that members of congress are beholden to political action committees and corporations and special interests. that their voices are drowned out if they're ever heard at all