utah state prison marking time, his sister colette searched endlessly for ways to get him out. was there a time when you or anybody else in your family thought maybe we don't know him as well as we thought we did? >> no. >> reporter: he couldn't have killed her? >> not possible. >> reporter: so much about conrad truman's trial bothered his sister colette. but one detail in particular kept gnawing at her. it had to do with the diagrams used by the state depicting the area where heidy's body was found. >> i remember thinking, well, that's strange. that's -- that couldn't be right. >> reporter: post-verdict, colette shared her concerns with conrad's new attorneys, mark moffat and ann taliaferro. they decided to visit the truman home to see for themselves if the state's diagrams were accurate. we later made that same trip with moffat who showed us what they discovered.

Related Keywords

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