deblasio responded saying nothing about taking care of working families as a joke. the new york city mayor took direct aim this morning at president trump. >> i'm a new yorker. i've known trump is a bully for some time. this is not news to me or anyone else here. i know how to take him on. donald trump must be stopped. i've beaten him before and i will do it again. >> de blasio's entry makes 20 major candidates in the race, according to the nbc news count. the challenge to these smaller profile candidates is how to stand out in a race that looks like it's going to be a marathon with an awful lot of runners. joining me, another of these candidat candidates, jay inslee, two-term governor of washington state who served over two decades in the house of representatives. good to see you. >> thanks. >> can we do a lightning round on some of the issues of the day because i want you to be able to tell voters will you stand. let's start with abortion. >> you bet. >> democrats have tried to make