"deconstructed pod cast." i am confuse d rigd right now. there is a log jam and impasse that can't get it done. what is going on? >> what is going on is embarrassing for the united kingdom and its government and prime minister teresa may who told us for two years that britain would be leaving the european union at 11:00 p.m. next friday, march 29th now not happening. she's had to go back to the e.u. and say please, sir, can i have an extension and they give her an extension, not the extension she wanted. she wanted a three-month extension to try to get this deal. she can't get her deal through parliament, chris. it's beyond embarrassing. it's humiliating. she should be out of a job. they rejected it in january by a record margin of over 200 votes, the biggest defeat in british history. she wants to do it again next week for a third time. >> okay. so she's negotiated a deal she