signature. that alone could be illegal. but the relationship went on. eventually, donald trump's casinos defaulting on the bonds issued by, yes, deutsche bank. it was called a forgery that led to a disaster. deutsche bank also would conclude trump had exaggerated his net worth, surprise, by $2 billion. in 2005, though, they lent him another half a million. in 2016, trump was publicly bragging about all of this, take advantage of banks. >> i have taken advantage of the banks more than any human being on earth. i love banks, right? i love banks. and i love fighting with banks if i have to. >> tony schwartz, ceo of the energy project author of "the way we're working isn't working." >> you got it! >> yes. nice to have you back. >> nice to be back. >> we're zeroing in on something that's specific that you're going to explain as part of our series tonight. people have heard about trump lying and about the media buying into it. that's all over here. but this idea was that he could go to the people who have the