gray area where they go around the world and it's not clear, do they represent their business or do they represent the government? that's how we got here, to where we are. >> and in fact, jared and ivanka's financial disclosures, and you know, these are tough to look at, because they're broad categories, but they indicate rising value in their assets from at least $140 million in 2017 to at least $180 million in 2018. again, it's hard to know where that increase in assets is coming from, but there are people who take the view that they're enriching themselves personally over their ties to the white house. >> well, that -- that is clear. their businesses are doing well while they are taking a break from actually being active investors, but their funds are making money while they have these positions and they're having access to these meetings, especially with chinese officials and saudi officials who are potential investors in kushner companies, have an