i've seen different versions and yours look blue. explain that. >> the blue is from skin popping and shooting up cocaine. the cocaine is so dirty that it also will leave marks. i have an abscess here that had to be cut out. this one obviously is a big one when i almost lost my arm. you would think to yourselves, after you have an abscess cut out, you almost lose your arm, you would say i wouldn't do her heroin again, but no, i still want to do heroin. it's an everyday battle. it's going to be an uphill road for me. >> suffolk county, precomprehensive drug rehab program for qualified inmates. but since debella is on prescription medication for anxiety and depression, she does not currently qualify. she says she's still managed to stay clean, despite of the fact that heroin and other drugs are smuggled into the jail. >> they charge a ridiculous amount of money here, like $30 a bag. that's number one. i'm pretty cheap.