but i think he was maybe not always the easiest person to have as your father. and so that was part of the reason that he ended up going to this all-male boarding school in virginia. >> beto found the release from those high expectations in the rebellious world of punk rock. beto started his own punk band. >> he had this band, foss, with a few of his friend prom back in el paso. he likes an adventure. he likes a road trip, so they booked gigs where they could. >> beto and his band even appeared on the local el paso talk show called "let's get real with bill lowry." they weren't a big deal band or anything, but they convinced a local access preacher, an evangelical preacher, to let them on his show by pretending to be a gospel band. they reached out to him later and he remembered the incident and said that guy is beto o'rourke? i can't believe he turned into a high functioning member of society. >> beto moved to new york city in 1991 to attend columbia