state of colorado, "the denver post" that shocked everybody by endorsing him thinking he would be a constitutional conservative has withdrawn and said it was a mistake because obviously corey gardener cares more about the second branch of government than the first. >> and joy, you have lamar alexander voting against the president, he's not running for reelection in tennessee. i guess we don't know what he would have done if he was running for reelection and susan collins who is running for e reelection in main and she voted against the president. how do you read the susan collins vote? >> susan collins is in trouble. they are probably the two republicans in the biggest trouble in terms of their reelect. i see susan collins sort of desperately trying to figure out this sort of line that she has to walk between being trump enough to prevent herself from getting primaried but also seeming like a normal republican enough to get reelected. i don't see how either of them get back in. they can get in the good graces