going to be called on, the court process is going to be used, among other things, to determine whether or not the supposedly defamatory allegation was true. so the court will effectively be used in this case if it goes forward to prove whether or not trump sexually and aggressively groped that woman. so that case at least for now will go forward. although the president's side certainly will appeal. as a secondary consequence of that landmark ruling today about state lawsuits being okay against a sitting president, we also got this late in the day. the new york state attorney general going forward with a case against president trump's foundation, his so-called charity. now, that may sound surprising to you because you might remember that in december the president's charity was shut down after the new york attorney general filed a lawsuit that alleged persistently illegal conduct at that foundation. well, apparently it being shut down doesn't mean it's out of trouble legally. within hours of that summer