why then, just an hour or two before the end of her shift? good questions. questions about to engulf her whole family. >> why couldn't she have stepped out and avoided this whole thing? why did it have to happen to our family? why did it have to happen to michelle? >> but it did. much of it recorded, as you will see, by those electronic beeps, and pixels, just enough to make it a puzzling history. enough to not quite know what happened to michelle le. >> one of the things i was so angry about was that nothing made sense. nothing made sense. >> especially this. same night. 8:56 p.m. michelle's nursing instructorer, no idea, baffled, looks in the parking lot for her car. 9:05 p.m. michelle's car reenters the garage two floors below. it arrives on the third floor. off camera, the nursing instructor sees it, waves