increasing this litmus test tug to the left on issues like medicare for all and the green new deal. >> and yamiche, the hillary clinton comment to local channel 12 in new york that she wasn't getting in the race, then there was some pushback from some of her, you know, close allies, telling maggie haberman, "i didn't mean to be definitive about that," and she got into this whole "mean girl" kind of tweet with the president, because the president tweeted, crooked hillary clinton confirms she will not run, aww shucks, does that mean i won't get to run against her again, she will be sorely missed, and that of course led to her response, yamiche. >> it's one of those things that hillary clinton continues to be this bogeyman that president trump likes to use. i was at cpac where people still had hillary clinton for prison on. i think as heidi and you were talking about, this idea of billionaire fatigue, i think there's also hillary fatigue.