which is also an interesting sidelight that the check was written on a revokable trust that was theoretically begun so that the president would have some separation between his life as a politician and his life as a civil servant. >> was that provided in evidence at the hearing? >> no, we didn't have it at the time. >> so first of all this is just since we all saw the hearing on wednesday. his next hearing behind closed doors is this coming wednesday. decipher that for a lay audience. what did all that just mean? >> so the saving grace for this president may be he's involved in so much misconduct if not outright criminality that people can't keep track of it. because what we just saw was a check that was issued to mr. cohen based on a promise the president made to cohen while they were in the oval office in the white house that cohen would be reimbursed for his role in campaign finance violations. the cover-up up checks that were paid to keep the american people from revolting, frankly.