government, katy, would delete or get rid of 33,000 e-mails after she gets a subpoena. she gets subpoenaed and she gets rid of 33,000 e-mails. that gives me a problem. now if russia or china or any other country has those e-mails, to be honest with you, i'd love to see them. >> josh, the president appears to have shifted his story so why do you think that is? >> well i think he thinks at this moment maybe it is more convenient to portray it as a joke and he wasn't serious. obviously the reason he's doing it is because you have the testimony that came in this week from michael cohen saying that he was president when the president took a phone call from roger stone, notifying him they were likely to have e-mails released in the next few days from wikileaks about hillary clinton. but i don't think that is ultimately shocking given the tape you just played and the numerous comments the president made about wikileaks during the