mind of a single killer. but as soon as you get these indications, the organizations like the coast guard intelligence and the fbi snapped down on that person. >> brett, you did the analysis for politico about what's happening already in the 2020 campaign from foreign actors like russia and north korea. this suspect who is in custody who was planning mass murder was trafficking in some of these russian-sourced materials online. what you have found in the reporting at politico apparently is that you're seeing patterns that are virtually identical to what we saw in 2016. >> correct. and i don't know the particulars of this case, but i think this and the recent statements by dan coats and others highlights that this isn't just about fake news. it's not just about politics. it's about a full-scale attack to divide and confuse americans and rip at the fabric of our society. and so for us we look at this research from a nonpartisan