his people to do an independent study. an independent research, independent investigation. and what we have as a result of mueller's investigation? we have one after another of the top people around president trump indicted, indicted, indicted, plus untold numbers of russians. the fact is the republicans -- and it's very sad because i was on the house judiciary committee. republicans worked with demtz to try to find the truth. they work with democrats on the senate watergate committee to try to find the truth. that's what we should be finding. whether it leads to the president or not, not to try to vilify another party, not to try to vilify those people who are looking for the truth. these were people, mccabe, comey, and others, they were doing their jobs and they were doing their jobs when they had no manual telling them -- >> the vilification of the fbi is interesting, malcolm. the president retweeted something rush limbaugh said, saying, these guys, the investigators, ought to be in