name one case where a president asked money for congress, congress refuse and the president then invoked national powers to get the money anyways. >> the current situation. >> yes or no, so. >> the current situation pertains specifically to the military construction authority. >> congress asked for money for military construction. congress said no and he then -- >> the meaning of the statute, chris, clear on its own terms. if you don't like the statute, or members of congress don't like the statute. >> the aenser is no. >> the premise of your question is false because congress has appropriated money for construction of border barriers consistently. this is a part of a national security -- >> they've never done this under a national emergency -- >> they declare a national emergency to promote democracy in belarus in zimbabwe. >> didn't you take money that congress refused to appropriate. >> they didn't refuse to appropriate. they passed a law specifically saying the president could have this authority. it's in the plain statute. that's a decision that congress made. and the people don't like that, they can address it.