opportunity to say maybe we didn't get precisely what we wanted on the wall we got fencing but the other guys, they are terrifying. negative partisanship is what really rules all of us. it was the primary motivating factor in 2016, probably going be the primary motivating factor for donald trump's base in 2020 assuming they don't have any real accomplishments to run on. making the democratic demands the focus of the president's campaign would serve him pretty well. >> still ahead on "morning joe" president trump says no matter what congress comes up with he's going to build the wall regardless. so what exactly has the last few weeks been all about? particularly for all those americans whose paychecks disappeared. that's ahead. but first bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? >> good morning. snow is arriving and along with it a lot of freezing rain and ice in areas of the northeast. we got hit in areas of the midwest and great lakes. 97 million are one some kind of