accidentally hit with a flying binder according to this buzzfeed report. curious to get your thoughts with trump as a possible opponent, is temperament really an issue when you have a president who's known to be temperamental? >> that's a great question, but in this case, yes, it is, because of how senator klobuchar has positioned her brand. she has positioned herself as a down to earth homegrown gal from the midwest. this aw-shucks persona. if that's the case, that cuts against the p.r. brand she is trying to establish. president trump has been unabashedly this brash new yorker since day one of his campaign, but if you look at the senator here, she is trying to position herself as sort of this nice, midwestern gal. look, there's no doubt about it. she does quite well. i think she'll do quite well in a state like iowa, that early primary state there. she, according to a december