two musicians from queens. >> you represented the bronx and part of queens and you represented queens bridge. >> queens bridge, all day. long island city. >> so great to have you together. >> i represented queens bridge for about six years. >> and did you get to reminisce? >> i couldn't believe he was from woodside. i went to junior high school in his neighborhood. >> there it is. bring it all back to "the beat." who needs to fall back, havoc? >> laura ingram needs to fall back. >> about the hamilton thing? >> i heard she was saying something about the black actors in "hamilton" wasn't a good depiction of, you know, america's history or something like that. i mean, the whole play is a history lesson, you know what i'm saying? the people can be green for all i care in the whole play, but the whole play even teaches you more history than we learned in the schools. and it's a real beautiful play. laura ingraham needs to fall