that's it. that's the transactional move. by the way, two days from now, just like -- when was the last time we talked about the caravan? that was even more absurd. he just left it. so just do what i call the trump foggy pivot. >> i can't help but to start to imagine worst-case scenario, though, when i heard jared kushner is in the oval with donald trump meeting with contractors. i envision him with, like, different colors of tile and fabric swatches. why are we laughing? we've already trotted out the samples. >> you look at how jared kushner was the go-between, the liaison. he thought he could get some democratic votes and advise donald trump to keep pushing forward during the shutdown. and you wonder how much further will this go with the political bad judgment? >> you can't rule it out because when has this president nameded the times when he's put his party above his own political interests and maybe he doesn't care that it will get caught up in the courts or maybe he doesn't care that ultimately he'll get overruled.