shahrene mitchell and democratic strategist simon rosenberg. a shorter segment we planned because we had so much breaking news. but i want to come to you first on this adam, mike favre, people should follow on twitter, talks about this stuff and wrote something, i'm worried, we've never seen the proliferation of bots like now, especially now that they've morphed into a less identifiable bot. something is up. we need to be very cautious. one more quick thing before i let you get in, the fbi director said the following about the russia threat on social media. >> the assessment that this country's adversaries continue to use u.s. social media platforms as a vehicle for weaponizing disinformation and spreading foreign influence in the united states? director wray? >> yes, that's certainly the fbi's assessment not only of the russians continuing to do it in 2018, but we've seen indication that they're continuing to adapt their model and that other