do you still have confidence in gina haspel and dan coats to give you good good advice? >> i disagree with certain things they said. i think i'm right. time will prove me right, probably. >> this is about the president's own freud with his own intelligence agencies. it reached a new level today. he's lashing out after the directors of cia, fbi, national intelligence, contradicted their boss' views about national security. in stark terms, right there in front of congress and the american public, yesterday, the president ridiculed them as passive and naive and suggested they go back to school. trump met with those same intelligence chiefs in the oval office today. what must that have been like? to express his displeasure in person, we presume, about the conversation according to tonight's "new york times" interview. "mr. trump said the intelligence chiefs told him their presentation was misinterpreted. they said, sir, our testimony